Friday, May 16, 2008

Golden Sea Cucumber 生物金海参

Increases metabolism, cares for the vitality of blood cells and strengthens the joints

Golden Sea Cucumber is extracted from high quality sea cucumber through biotechnology and thus has high contain of 50 kinds constructive nutrient ,include carbohydrate, 18 amino acid, vitamin A,B1,B2,D,E minerals like calcium, vanadium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, iodine, phosphorous, DHA and EPA. Moreover, the active ingredient like collagen, chondroitin, glucosamine, saponins and mucopolysaccharide further enables Golden Sea Cucumber to improve metabolism, protect cell and joint and enhances the elasticity as well as smoothness of skin.

Sea cucumber Unique Active ingredients:

Collagen: 70% of our skin component is consist of collagen, therefore collagen is important nutrient to maintain its elasticity and smoothness and provide protein for healthy joint. As we are ageing, collagen inside our body will be reducing, skin will be ageing and less elastic, joint movement become difficult. Golden Sea Cucumber contains high collagen, therefore able to maintain skin smoothness and elasticity, slow down ageing process, nurture joint’s health. In addition, collagen manage to unite calcium and bone cells, helps to prevent osteoporosis.

Chondoitin and glucosamine: As we are ageing, water content inside cartilage will reduce, leads to stiffness, attrition and inflammation of cartilage, even joint swell and pain and incapable. Chondroitin and glucosamine provide nutrient that is essential for healthy joint. Chondroitin with its super stickiness and high water content to supplement and lock joint’s water substance effectively. On the other hand, glucosamine can repair broken cartilage cell and anti-inflammation. Therefore, golden sea cucumber can reduce redness, swell, hotness and pain symptoms of arthritis. Moreover, chondroitin also enhance immunity and human growth.

Saponins: Also knowns as triterpene glycosides, its scientific structure is similar with ginsenosides. Saponins has strong anti-bacterial and anti-oxidation, control the growth of bacterial, cancer cell or tumor. Saponins also improve immunity and reduce fatigue , at the same time stimulate the growth of bone marrow cell, produce blood and prevent anemia.

Mucopolysaccharide: Belongs to amino polysaccharide, it is multi-functional, able to enhance immune system and prevent of cancer. Experiments show that mucopolysaccharide can decrease the content of blood sugar, blood viscocity, cholesterol and triglyceride. Besides that, mucopolysaccharide also reduces symptoms of inflammation and helps in wound recovery, without the side effect of anti inflammation medicine.

Who needs Golden Sea Cucumber?

  1. Those concerning about health
  2. Those weak, especially old folks and children
  3. Those before and after surgery, before and after delivery, just recovered from illness etc.
  4. Those facing skin sensitivity or having skin problems.
  5. Those suffering from chronic diseases such as anemia, constipation, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, dementia, hypertension, hyperlipidemics and heart disease etc.
  6. Those concerning about skin care.

- Helps to produce blood, anti-inflammation, anti cell-oxidation
- Decreases cholesterol level, thrombosis and diminishes the growth of atherosclerosis
- Aids to improve the regeneration of cells.
- Improves immunity, prevent cancer, delay aging and relieve arthritis.

- High contain of collagen that able to speed up wound recovery, maintain the suppleness and elasticity of skin, promotes healthy joints and prevents osteoporosis.
- Contain DHA that will improve learning ability, memory and prevent dementia


生物金海参是利用生物科技所萃取的高品质海参,能提高您的免疫力、照顾您身体内在与外在的健康。生物金海参的营养价值极高,能提供多种身体必须的营养素, 生物金海参活性精华能促进新陈代谢、照顾细胞的健康与关节的健壮;而海参胶原蛋白对于维持您肌肤的弹性与光滑更有着神奇的功效。


原蛋白:胶原蛋白占了皮肤成分的百分之七十,是维持皮肤光滑有弹性的重要营养素,同时也是健康关节不可或缺的蛋白质。随着年龄增长,体内胶原蛋白不断流 失,导致皮肤老化,缺少弹性,关节移动困难。生物金海参里含有很高的海参胶原蛋白,能保持肌肤光滑、富有弹性、延缓机体的衰老过程,并能保持关节健康。此 外,生物金海参胶原蛋白还能促使钙质与骨细胞结合,有助于预防骨骼疏松症的发生。

骨素与葡萄糖胺:随着年龄的增长,软骨组织里的水分相续减少,导致骨骼僵硬,容易磨损、发炎,甚至关节肿痛、行动不良的情形。生物金海参中的软骨素与葡萄 糖胺,是保持关节健康所必需的营养素。软骨素具有超强粘性,含水多,能迅速补充及留住关节的水分,葡萄糖胺能修补受损的软骨细胞,并能抗炎 。所以生物金海参对于减轻关节炎的红、肿、热、痛的症状很有帮助。此外,软骨素也可增强免疫力和促进人体生长发育。


参粘多糖:属于氨基多糖,拥有多种作用,能增强免疫力及预防癌症的发生。实验显示海参粘多糖具有降低血、降低血粘度、降低胆固醇和三酸甘油酯的功效。海参 粘多糖有效改善发炎症状,对于消炎止痛有非常显著的帮助,而且能加速伤口的愈合,更重要的是不会产生消炎药物的副作用。


1. 注重保健的人士

2. 体弱病虚的人士

3. 手术前后、生产后、生病初愈等的人士。

4. 皮肤敏感或肌肤有问题者。

5. 慢性疾病患者,如贫血、便秘、关节炎、骨骼疏松症、糖尿病、老人痴呆症、高血症、高血脂和心脏疾病等。

6. 养颜美容之人。

- 增进血液生产、抗炎、防止细胞氧化
- 降低胆固醇、防止血栓以及动脉硬化
- 帮助增进再生细胞
- 增强免疫力、防癌、延缓老化以及促进关节健康
- 胶原蛋白能够迅速促进伤口愈合、保持肌肤的柔嫩弹性、增进关节的健康以及预防骨骼疏松症
- 富含可增进学习能力的DHA、增进记忆力以及防止痴呆症

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