Sunday, March 23, 2008


2005年,由哈佛商学院出版的《蓝海策略》(Blue Ocean Strategy)一书受到全球瞩目,在全球范围内引起了巨大反响,先后被翻译成27种不同的文字,打破有史以来出售国际版权的记录。《蓝海策略》的神奇魅力,已经让韩国总统卢武炫与LG集团指定为高层主管必读的书籍,并使得两位教授能够参加比尔•盖茨举办的微软峰会,做主题演讲嘉宾。









面对现实只有两个选择:自己开创蓝海或与巨人合作。自己开创蓝海何其艰难!放眼世界不过那几家企业而已。因此当草药生物科技这一旗帜的执掌者——Easy Pha-max向你展颜迎手的时候,切不可错失人生的重要商机,新生即在眼前。

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Preventing Cancerous Cells

Pro-Can - A Potent Antioxidant for Fighting Degenerative

Tissues and Organs

Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer can spread throughout your body.

According to the report from World Health Organization, there are around 10 million cancer patients in the world reported in year 2000. Six million of them die of cancer. By year 2020, estimated 15 million of cancer patients will be reported in the world, while 10 million of them will die of cancer. Medical professionals are studying the methods to control cancer. However until now, conventional method used is either radioactive therapy or chemotherapy. These conventional methods will cause side effects; resulted in hair loss, miscarriage, infertile, nausea, vomit, etc.

What causes cancer?

Cancer doesn't discriminate when it comes to race, sex or age — anyone can get cancer. Cancer begins with damage (mutations) in your DNA. Your DNA is like a set of instructions for your cells, telling them how to grow and divide. Normal cells often develop mutations in their DNA, but they have the ability to repair most of these mutations. Or, if they can't make the repairs, the cells often die.

However, certain mutations aren't repaired, causing the cells to grow and become cancerous. Mutations also cause cancer cells to live beyond a normal cell life span. This causes the cancerous cells to accumulate. The initial genetic mutation is just the beginning of the process by which cancer develops. Scientists believe you need a number of changes within your cells in order to develop cancer, including:

  • An initiator to cause a genetic mutation. Sometimes you're born with this initial genetic mutation. Other times a genetic mutation is caused by forces within your body, such as hormones, viruses and chronic inflammation. Genetic mutations can also be caused by forces outside of your body, such as ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) in your environment.
  • A promoter to cause rapid cell growth. Promoters take advantage of genetic mutations created by initiators. Promoters cause cells to divide rapidly. This could lead to a tumor.
  • A progressor to cause cancer to become aggressive and spread. Without a progressor a tumor may remain benign and localized. Progressors make cancers more aggressive and more likely to spread. Like initiators and promoters, progressors could be inherited or they could come from environmental sources.

Your genetic makeup, forces within your body, your lifestyle choices and your environment can all set the stage for cancer or help complete the process once it's started. For instance, if you've inherited a genetic mutation that predisposes you to cancer, you may be more likely than other people to develop cancer when exposed to a certain cancer-causing substance.

The genetic mutation begins the cancer process, and the cancer-causing substance could play a role in further cancer development. Likewise, smokers who work with asbestos are more likely to develop lung cancer than smokers who don't work with asbestos because the two carcinogens both play roles in cancer development.

What increases your risk of cancer?

Your habits
Certain lifestyle choices are known to increase your risk of cancer. Smoking, drinking more than one drink a day (for women) or two drinks a day (for men), excessive exposure to the sun or frequent blistering sunburns can contribute to cancer.

Your family history
About 10 percent of cancers are due to an inherited condition. If cancer is common in your family, it's possible that mutations are being passed from one generation to the next. You might be a candidate for genetic screening to see whether you have inherited mutations that might increase your risk of cancer. Keep in mind that having an inherited genetic mutation doesn't necessarily mean you'll get cancer.

Your health conditions
Some chronic health conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, can markedly increase your risk of developing certain cancers. Talk to your doctor about your risk.

Your environment
The environment around you may contain harmful chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer. Even if you don't smoke, you might inhale secondhand smoke if you go places where people are smoking or you live with someone who smokes. Chemicals in your home or work environment, such as asbestos and benzene, also are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

How does cancer grow?

Normal, healthy cells in your body grow in a very orderly and well-controlled way, living for a set period of time and then dying on schedule. When a normal cell dies, your body replaces it with another normal cell. Cancer cells grow in an uncontrolled manner. They forget to die and therefore the diseased cells accumulate. One malignant cell becomes two, two become four, four become eight, and so on, until a mass of cells (a tumor) is created. Tumors remain small until they're able to attract their own blood supply, which allows them to obtain the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow larger. Not all tumors are cancerous, and not all cancers form tumors. For example, leukemia is a cancer that involves blood, bone marrow, the lymphatic system and the spleen, but doesn't form a single mass or tumor.

Cancer can also spread (metastasize) and invade healthy tissue in other areas of your body. Cancer can take decades to develop. By the time a cancerous mass is detected, it's likely that 100 million to 1 billion cancer cells are present, and the original cancer may have been dividing for five years or more.

Why Eat Right According to Your Blood Type?

Medical researches have shown that everything we eat is related to our blood group (gene); in other words each blood group has different indications and contra-indications for food. This is because every blood group has specific antigen which must be compatible with the coagulating factors (a type of protein) contained in food. The incompatibility may result in damage to red and white blood cells, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and also may cause tumors and diseases. Hence, eating foods and choosing the formulations right for your blood type is the best assurance to your health.

Main Function

Pro-Can is an exceptional high quality, high absorbable nutritional supplement for those at risks, designed to prevent or slow down occurrence of chronic diseases such as cancer, abnormal cell growth; thus promotes well being of an individual.

  • Control Genetic Mutation

Both cancer gene and cancer gene inhibitor are parts of DNA. Activation and deactivation of genes are caused by the mutation of nucleotide, which is called gene damage. By replacing nucleic acid, it replaces nucleotide used to replace mismatched genes. At the same time, salvage pathway nucleic acid can reduce the synthesis of internal nucleic acid, which cause the loss of material for cancerous cell division and multiplication, and eventually inhibit or stop the multiplication of cancerous cells. Therefore, nucleic acid helps to prevent cancer. This product contains Fructus Lycii complex polysaccharide, which:

a) Cut off mutated gene,
b) Facilitates the production of nucleotide, to improve self-repair ability,
c) Enhances the function of DNA polymerase, to improve DNA’s repair;
d) Enhance immunity by increasing the number and quality of white blood cells, to
engulf abnormal cells.

  • Strengthens self-repair ability of gene

Improve self-regeneration of tissues in organs of those who are diabetic, hyper-lipidemia; prevents and improves complication from cancer.

  • Facilitates blood circulation

In arteriosclerosis, coronary disease

  • Improves brain functions

Insomnia, poor concentration

  • Facilitates metabolism

Anemia, impotency, fatigue, skin disease

  • Increases immune ability

Drop in number of white blood cells after chemotherapy, hepatitis and colitis caused by virus, etc

  • Rejuvenates skin

Hair loss, premature white hair appearance, wrinkles, etc.

Goodness of Pro-Can

1. Unique Ingredients with Precision Formula.
This product is tested and proven to be effective through a series of clinical trial and experiments by the research group of University Malaya, Malaysia’s top university.

2. Developed Using the Latest and Most Advanced Biotechnology- For Maximum and Effective Absorption
-brewing technique- full brewing by using organic substance in order to extract high quality enzymes
-engineering of enzymology - to extract specific active enzymes effectively and preserve the activity of enzymes
-micromolecule technology- nutrient contents easily dissolve into cells and absorbed by gastrointestinal system
-low temperature handling- ensure all nutrients and active ingredients protected from heat & medium damage
-passed ISO 17025 for laboratory test of the reactivity and ingredients of the product

Pro-Can -给您的健康最佳保障


据世界卫生组织的报告,在2000年共有一千万癌症患者,其中的六百万患者病发身亡。据预测,在2020年将有一千五百万癌症患者,其中的一千万患者将会 死亡。世界各地的医护人员一直积极地寻找预防以及治疗癌症的方法。至到如今,惯用治疗法如放射治疗以及化疗仍会引发副作用,如脱发、小产、不育、晕眩以及 呕吐等。




· 基因突变是癌症的创始者。您可能与生俱来最原始的基因突变,也可能由于体内的其他元素如荷尔蒙、病毒或慢性炎症而引发基因突变。 此外,外在因素如阳光紫外线或致癌物质也可能导致基因突变。

· 促使者进而导致细胞快速成长,继而形成肿瘤。

· 病变者促使肿瘤扩大,如果缺乏病变者,肿瘤将保持原状而无法任意滋长。和创始者和促使者一样,病变者极可能来自周遭环境。

基因、体内元素、生活习惯、周遭环境都是致使癌症形成的原因。 举例来说,如果你已带有癌症的基因突变,再加上外在致癌物质,你将比一般人更容易患上癌症。



某些生活习惯将会引发癌症,比如抽烟、一天内喝超过一杯酒(女人)/ 两杯酒(男人)、暴晒在太阳底下或长期晒伤皮肤。





体内的细胞在正常的情况下健康地成长,然后经过一段时间后自动死亡。当细胞死亡后,将会被新生细胞代替。然而,一旦被癌细胞侵蚀,正常细胞将无法自动死亡 然后再生长,相反的,它们将会形成病变细胞。这些恶性细胞从一变二、二变四、四变八,由此类推,久而久之便形成肿瘤。当肿瘤获得血液供应后,它们即吸取足 够氧份和营养,进而扩大。无论如何,不是所有肿瘤都是癌细胞,癌细胞也不一定由肿瘤形成。例如,血癌和血液、骨髓、淋巴系统及脾脏有关,而和肿瘤无关。



医学研究显示,我们所吃的食物跟血型(基因)有关,也就是说不同的血型有不同的饮食宜忌,这是因为每个血型有特定的抗原,而这些抗原必须以食物中的植物血 凝素(一种蛋白质)相容,否则将会被坏红白血球损坏肠胃道、神经系统、导致肿瘤及疾病的产生。因此,根据血型选择适当的食物是吃出健康的关键。


  • 预防基因突变







· 预防爱滋病


o 加强基因自修能力


o 促进血液循环


o 提高脑功能


o 促进新陈代谢


o 提高免疫力


o 皮肤细胞更新





2. 以最新最先进的生物技术研发-为您呈现最容易被吸收的优质产品
-经过ISO 17025实验室严格测试产品的活性成分

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wheatgrass - The Well-Balanced Nutrients

Nutrients Hidden Within The Roots of Wheatgrass
* Blood circulation
* Detoxification
* Anti-inflammation
* Anti-bacterial
* Blood production
* Wound recovery
* Increase vigor and boost immunity

Wheatgrass = Complete Food
Wheatgrass is known as the complete foods, contain the active minerals, vitamins and the trace element required by human body.

Wheatgrass (Well-Balanced Nutrients) consists of 17 amino acid, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 100 enzymes and Abscisic acid.

Nutrients Hidden Within the Roots of Wheatgrass

Why is the root of wheatgrass so important? From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the leaves of Wheatgrass have a cooling effect, whereas the roots produce a heating effect. Combining both characteristics neutralizes the effect produced by each individually. Hence, Wheatgrass does not promote heatiness or a cooling effect. From the scientific perspective, the root of wheatgrass is rich in nutrients, enzymes and active ingredients. Experiments show that both root and leaves contain many types of nutrients, which co-exist in synergistic proportion to form a balance and whole nutrition. They facilitate the absorption of nutrients. Active ingredients found in the root of wheatgrass, especially auxin, stimulate damaged cells to undergo cellular repair. Therefore, Wheatgrass is the simplest and most convenient way to increase vigor and boost immunity for the physically frail.

Wheatgrass Enzymes

Among the numerous active ingredients found in wheatgrass, enzyme stands out as the most important compound. It acts as a “catalyst” in the body. It can be said that “if there is no enzyme, there is no life”. As we age, our body’s ability to synthesize enzymes as well as the activity of enzyme diminishes. Supplementing our body with enzymes enhances cellular activity on top of increasing the inherent enzyme reserves in our body. SOD is particularly important among various wheatgrass enzymes. It can effectively scavenge free radicals. Once the SOD reserve in the body drops, oxides induce pathological changes in cells and subsequently the cells lost their self-repair ability. SOD not only prevents various affluent syndromes, it slows down the natural aging process. Besides, SOD is an essential antioxidant in cell activation. Besides scavenging free radicals and eliminating toxins, wheatgrass enzymes break down excessive fat and protein. It can even help in reducing tumour and cyst.

Chlorophyll in Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass contains an abundance of chlorophyll. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin, which makes it possible for our body to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin. A study done by Dr. A. Zin, Hughes and Latner also proves that chlorophyll increases the hemoglobin index in human body, which makes it the best choice for treating anaemia. In addition, chlorophyll is more powerful than any other remedies in helping the human body resists carcinogens. It strengthens the functions of liver, neutralizes toxic compounds as well as eliminates toxins in blood.









