Friday, March 14, 2008

Wheatgrass - The Well-Balanced Nutrients

Nutrients Hidden Within The Roots of Wheatgrass
* Blood circulation
* Detoxification
* Anti-inflammation
* Anti-bacterial
* Blood production
* Wound recovery
* Increase vigor and boost immunity

Wheatgrass = Complete Food
Wheatgrass is known as the complete foods, contain the active minerals, vitamins and the trace element required by human body.

Wheatgrass (Well-Balanced Nutrients) consists of 17 amino acid, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 100 enzymes and Abscisic acid.

Nutrients Hidden Within the Roots of Wheatgrass

Why is the root of wheatgrass so important? From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the leaves of Wheatgrass have a cooling effect, whereas the roots produce a heating effect. Combining both characteristics neutralizes the effect produced by each individually. Hence, Wheatgrass does not promote heatiness or a cooling effect. From the scientific perspective, the root of wheatgrass is rich in nutrients, enzymes and active ingredients. Experiments show that both root and leaves contain many types of nutrients, which co-exist in synergistic proportion to form a balance and whole nutrition. They facilitate the absorption of nutrients. Active ingredients found in the root of wheatgrass, especially auxin, stimulate damaged cells to undergo cellular repair. Therefore, Wheatgrass is the simplest and most convenient way to increase vigor and boost immunity for the physically frail.

Wheatgrass Enzymes

Among the numerous active ingredients found in wheatgrass, enzyme stands out as the most important compound. It acts as a “catalyst” in the body. It can be said that “if there is no enzyme, there is no life”. As we age, our body’s ability to synthesize enzymes as well as the activity of enzyme diminishes. Supplementing our body with enzymes enhances cellular activity on top of increasing the inherent enzyme reserves in our body. SOD is particularly important among various wheatgrass enzymes. It can effectively scavenge free radicals. Once the SOD reserve in the body drops, oxides induce pathological changes in cells and subsequently the cells lost their self-repair ability. SOD not only prevents various affluent syndromes, it slows down the natural aging process. Besides, SOD is an essential antioxidant in cell activation. Besides scavenging free radicals and eliminating toxins, wheatgrass enzymes break down excessive fat and protein. It can even help in reducing tumour and cyst.

Chlorophyll in Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass contains an abundance of chlorophyll. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin, which makes it possible for our body to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin. A study done by Dr. A. Zin, Hughes and Latner also proves that chlorophyll increases the hemoglobin index in human body, which makes it the best choice for treating anaemia. In addition, chlorophyll is more powerful than any other remedies in helping the human body resists carcinogens. It strengthens the functions of liver, neutralizes toxic compounds as well as eliminates toxins in blood.











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