Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Need Blood-Invigorating? - Dan Shen 丹参

Dan-Shen: a blood-invigorating and stasis-removing herb
Essential For Senior Citizens & Adults.



What are the indications that you have poor blood circulation?
Have you ever face this kind of condition?
  • Cold feet and/or hands
  • Tingling, burning and numbness in the feet and/or hands
  • Cramping, pain, fatigue and/or swelling in the lower legs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Low energy, lack of stamina
  • Poor healing
  • Sluggish memory
  • Blue lip
Benefits of Dan-Shen:
  • Regulates blood circulation, removes blood stasis.
  • Nourishes the blood.
  • Cools the blood, relieves carbuncle, alleviates pain and numbness.
  • Relieves pain and stifling sensations in the chest and epigastric areas caused by blood stagnation.
  • Lowers the viscosity of blood.
  • Improves blood circulation in eyes, hence improving vision.
Are there any precautions?
Dan-Shen is not recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women. Those who are taking blood thinning medicine or will undergo surgery are advised to consult with their doctor before taking Dan-Shen.

  • 手脚冰冷
  • 手或脚经常感到刺痛、麻痹、或炽热感
  • 脚或腿部经常抽筋、肿痛
  • 呼吸急促
  • 疲倦无力
  • 治愈能力差
  • 记忆力减退
  • 嘴唇发紫
  • 调节血液循环系统、化除淤血
  • 补血醒脑
  • 舒缓血痈、缓和疼痛和麻木感
  • 减轻血液停滞所造成胸腔或上腹部疼痛、压迫和窒息感
  • 降低血液浓稠度

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