Saturday, April 26, 2008

St John's Wort

Beware! If you are experiencing any one of the symptoms below, it could be a sign of stress or depression.
  • Depressed mood
  • Lack of pleasure
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Poor concentration
  • Insomnia

  • Appetite and weight change
  • Irritability
  • General aches and pains
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Anger attacks

Stress A silent killer
People are having a hectic life style nowadays. With all kind of hassles and bustles in life, stress and depression are becoming more common affecting about 121 million people worldwide and the number of women who experience depression is two times higher than in men. In the UK, it affects at least one in five people during their lifetime.

Why are we concerned about stress and depression?
This problem can become chronic and lead to substantial impairments in an individual’s ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. They also lead to suppression of the immune system and render the body more susceptible to infection and illness. At its worst, stress and depression can lead to suicide.

What causes stress and depression?
In general, the onset of stress and depression is most often caused by the influence of more than one factor such as biological and genetic factors, environmental influences, and developmental events.

Mood Lifting with St. John’s Wort
John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a long-living, wild-growing plant with yellow flowers. Extracts of the plant have been used for centuries to counteract stress and depression by relaxing our body and boosting energy. St. John’s Wort is a non-additive natural remedy that contains more than 25 bio-active compounds, with the major ones being hyperforin, pseudohypericin, hypericin and flavonoid.

St. John’s Wort is functionally a new anti-depressant!

Conventional anti-depressants are associated with a range of adverse drug reactions and side effects. St. John’s Wort is a better alternative with proven efficacy as an anti-depressant in treating mild to moderate depression. The active ingredients of St. John’s Wort are broad-spectrum neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitors, which affect the synaptosomal uptake of neurotransmitter such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline to adapt changes in the receptor system. It was shown to improve depression symptoms, relieve stress, relax muscle, promote restful sleep and bring on a happy and tranquil life.

Combating your stress with St. John’s Wort today! You can have a better physical health, emotional well being and mental agility.


  • 沮丧的情绪
  • 生活意志力低落
  • 精神疲劳
  • 忧虑
  • 缺乏集中力
  • 失眠症
  • 食欲和体重的变化
  • 过敏性的发脾气
  • 肌肉紧绷及疼痛
  • 性障碍
  • 愤怒及埋怨

压力- 无声的杀手
人们日常面对竞争力强的工作环境和节奏紧张的生活, 脚步越走越快,而不知不觉中让压力和忧郁慢慢的侵袭全球一亿两千一百万的人口。女性患上忧郁症的人数往往是男性的两倍。在英国,忧郁症影响着五分之一的人口。



忘忧草(Hypericum perforatum)是一种野生野长的黄色小花。数百年来,忘忧草萃取物主要用于抗衡压力与忧郁,它能放松我们的身体,增强体内能量。忘忧草是一种天然草药,无任何添加剂。它含有25种以上的活性成分,其中主要成分为贯叶连翘,金丝桃素和黄酮类化合物。

传 统的抗抑郁药品会带给患者不良反应及副作用。忘忧草会是一个更好的选择,因为它已被证实有效的治疗轻微与中度忧郁症。忘忧草的活性成分是一种广效性神经递 质再摄取抑制剂,从而影响突触体摄取神经递质如血清素,多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素,以适应受体系统的变化,而改善忧郁症状。它也可以纾缓压力,放松肌肉,促进 休息和睡眠,让您拥有舒适安宁的良好睡眠和幸福生活。从今天开始, 让忘忧草帮您松懈压力,忘掉忧郁!因为您值得拥有一个更好、更愉悅的心情渡過每一天。

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